Sunday, February 27, 2005

Long Fusterating Day

So, Friday night I went to the house for a LAN party, headed over there about 7:15. It was a total mess setting up, and everybody online. The night was sorta ok. It was supposed to start around 8pm but started at around 10 due to technical difficulties. Of course I was the only person that got "this is why we told you to be early" comment. Ok, I thought showing up 45 minutes early to get 3 or 4 games loaded was good enough. Hey I was only the third one to show up out of 15 or so people that ended up coming. I just thought that that was interesting. Around 2 am my laptop freaked out and was basically dead for the rest of the party. I worked on it there from 2-5 off and on but got nowhere. We finally called it good at 8:10-8:15 am. I was home by 8:25 and in bed at 8:30, and thats the last time I saw on my alarm. Yup that's right up 24 and a half hours.
So I got up at 2pm determinded to get my computer back up and running again. The hours flew by, at 8 I was stressing because I just was getting nowhere. Fusterated, I tried uninstalling this program that I tried earlier but my computer kept freezing. Well as a last effort I just hit uninstall and decided to just walk away. Well I happened to have checked it and it finally uninstalled. It only took two hours to uninstall instead of the 5 minutes normally. After that I had some more messing with it to do. So at 10 I thought that I was good.
But nope, Windows Explorer automatically crashed after start up. Really upset now I changed a few more things and bingo things booted up properly. So I click to check my mail and such and says no connection. Thinking what the hell I reset the connection, still nothing. After 45 minutes I realize the IP address is still set for the house, I tell it to redo for the connection here at school. And that was my day


Jeremy said...


Xbox is better

RyanB said...


Rhonda Pittman said...

Umm you need to update again :P

RyanB said...
