Somehow this week I managed to get to bed everyday around 2 AM, but hopefully
I can make it to bed by midnight. Today, DO-IT ended.(Ask me about DO-IT later, if you want.) Anyways, one of the people who is around my age, who also helped out by being a counselor is from Florida. He has a plane trip home, that he gets picked up at 5:30 AM tomorrow. Usually, the dorm that DO-IT uses for the camp kicked DO-IT out this evening, lets them stay until mid-day Saturday. So, one of the staff members asked me if I was willing to help. Of course I did, and he is currently is sleeping. A little after he was dropped off we met up with a few people that we know from
the program. We got some pizza on the AVE and then saw American Wedding
at the Metro. It was okay I suppose, there were a few scenes I nearly gagged, but it's all good now. I believe that there is now like two weeks of Summer Quarter '03 left. Oh, I also talked with a CS counselor this afternoon. Well, that's all for now.