Monday, May 23, 2005


Today was a hell of a day. Pretty freaking long. But this made me chuckle I didn't read the story yet.

I also made a LiveJournal to read people's and stuff. Add me if you want, I have to run...

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Sorry IE

Yeah, so I am here at wotk and saw that I got a comment. When I clicked the link there were a few changes on the layout. Nothing really happened except some display issues. It has to do with my code and where I positioned stuff. So meh

Sunday, May 15, 2005


Hey I just changed my layout real fast and think I am going to keep it.
Let me know

Sunday, May 08, 2005


If you guys got any odd behavior from Google yesterday, read the Google Blog. It can't hurt to run Stinger. If you think s-t-i-n-g-e-r.exe is an odd file name scroll down and it says why.